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Journal Your Way To Success

Workbook - £9.99

Helen Walker Coaching

✍️ A 20 page workbook that will help you discover how your thinking blocks are sabotaging your success.✍️ Discover a proven scientific process that you can use to reprogram your thinking and eliminate your mindset blocks that stop you in 15 minutes a day ✍️ Workbook includes 8 powerful exercises that will transform your thinking so that you finally feel confident and tackle the tasks that you know will help to scale your business quickly 

Helen Walker Coaching

✍️ Quit all the overthinking, procrastination that keeps you stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and that stops you making the money you deserve! ✍️  Worrying what everyone else thinks will become a thing of the past, you will have the confidence to show up and be the visible face of your brand! ✍️  Reframe what failure means so that you’ll no longer be afraid to make mistakes, allowing you to take bigger, more inspired action in your business! 

£9.99 - BUY NOW


A 20 page Workbook that will guide you a transformational Journaling process

Finally reprogram your mind and eliminate all your thoughts that cause you to doubt yourself and hold yourself back!

BUY NOW £9.99

Not Making The Money You Really Want?

Here’s Why!

You’ve one major problem right now! 

Your business isn’t doing as well as you’d hoped! 

You’ve downloaded all the freebies, done all the courses and even have a fancy schmancy strategy courtesy of your business coach.

Yet you’re not seeing the success you really want! 

You're doing ok..

  • But ok ain’t enough, you wanna be creating a level of wealth that supports you and your family! 

  • You never expected to be working harder than you did in your corporate job, thats not the freedom business you signed up for

  • You expected to have your course launched by now, but you just don’t feel ready to put it out there! 

Helen Walker Coaching

Frustrating, hey?

Especially when you see less experienced, less passionate women than you absolutely smashing it, selling programs by the bucket load and reaping the financial rewards. 

Why is it that you have all the knowledge, the strategy and the passion, yet it’s still not happening? 

You need Journal Your Way To Success, download now and get instant access to your Workbook. 

Deep down you know why...

Your business isn’t growing as quickly as you like!

Helen Walker Coaching

You know the real reason...

Why amazing clients aren’t showing up, why you haven’t launched your course and why you’re not making the money you want! 

You’re not taking action! 

You’ve got the know how of how, but you’re not putting this knowledge to work! 

Because your thinking blocks are hampering your success… 

  • You know that you need to be more visible, do more videos, show your face and promote your business!

  • You totally know that gaining more exposure as a guest expert would boost your profile and attract more high paying clients! 

  • You also know that you’re massively undercharging for the work you do! 

Helen Walker Coaching

In your heart, you know that it’s YOU who’s sabotaging your success and stopping yourself from creating the wealth for you and your family! You know this without question, but you can’t seem to break this self-sabotaging cycle… it’s massively frustrating! 

Your fear of failure, impostor syndrome, self-doubt and worrying what everyone else thinks, all massive blocks that stand between you and your goals! Blocks that you need to declutter quickly so you can start scaling your business and earn the money you deserve! 

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You Need Journal Your Way To Success

So At long last...

You can stop doubting yourself... it’s time to start feeling good enough! It’s time to be the expert and show up authentically you!

Successful business owners

Aren’t void of fear of self-doubt, that’s not how any of us are wired. 

It’s impossible to remove doubt and concern. 

The only difference, right now, between you and the people who are making the money is how you think! 

In order for you to create the business and have the success you really want you have to start believing in yourself! 

You have to learn how to fuel your unhelpful emotions like fear, worry, doubt and even stress to your advantage! 

It’s totally possible to turn these unhelpful feelings into ones that propel you to great success! 

Helen Walker Coaching
Helen Walker Coaching

There's a simple process...

That if followed, allows you to declutter these unhelpful mindset gremlins and create new beliefs! 

Imagine opening up your mind, taking the unhelpful script that runs your life right out of your head and replacing it with a new script! 

One full of positive beliefs about yourself and your ability to crate the success you really want! 

That requires daily work and reflection! 

I wish there was 

A Magic Pill...

But there isn’t! 

But 15 minutes each day can transform your life… if you know the questions to ask yourself in order to do the deep, transformational reflective work that will allow you to: 

  • Identify your beliefs, thoughts and thinking habits that cause your mindset Gremlins to hold you back 

  • To see clearly how they hold you back so you can implement the changes you need to ensure you take action in your business. 

  • Reboot your beliefs and use a scientifically proven process called brain plasticity, meaning you can’t actually remove that out of date script that runs your life on autopilot and replace it with a belief system that brings you massive success and overwhelming levels of happiness! 

This is totally possible through the use of an incredibly simple process! 

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£9.99 - BUY NOW


A 20 page Workbook that will guide you a transformational Journaling process

Finally reprogram your mind and eliminate all your thoughts that cause you to doubt yourself and hold yourself back!

BUY NOW £9.99

"I was struggling to work out how to move forward in my business, but I constantly doubted my abilities.

My journal has been a godsend, I record my achievements and anything that bothers me.

It's good to look back and see the good things that have happened and how I solved those things that were causing the negative thoughts to whisper in my ear"

Jan Penn-Jones

Helen Walker Coaching

I created a journaling process

When I started my business in 2013 and it changed my life.

I felt lost, alone and deep in negative thoughts. 

I needed to make sense of what was happening in my head, because I spent more time procrastinating, overthinking and worrying than I did actually taking steps to grow my business! 

I wasted so much time analyzing my every move, terrified I’d make a fool of myself or make a massive mistake. 

Deep down, I doubted myself! 

I had zero confidence and I allowed my self-doubt to cripple me. 

I’m not good enough, who am I to charge that, what do I know? 

These doubts plagued me every single day. 

It made taking any action, showing up consistently and putting myself out there to promote my business feel like climbing Everest! 

The weight of my doubt held me back and cost me money in lost revenue! 

But more importantly, these mindset Gremlins robbed me of my happiness and took the joy out of building a business! 

Journaling allowed me to detect these sneaky suckers. It became so obvious how my own thinking and beliefs were the thing standing in my way! 

Journaling allowed me to shift from a negative mindset to a positive one. 

It’s utterly amazing what happens when you start believing in yourself when you stop focusing on what could go wrong! 

I started to attract clients with ease, clients who I loved! 

I showed up online, made comical videos and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. People started to take notice and wanted to work with me. I raised my prices because I stopped pricing my programs on my out of date value I’d placed on myself. 

Helen Walker Coaching
Helen Walker Coaching

When I stopped wasting time overthinking and avoiding doing things that scared the life out me, my business grew, I worked less hours and I started spending quality time with my family.Journaling is now something I consider a business critical task, because without out, I wouldn't have the success I have today.  

£9.99 - BUY NOW


A 20 page Workbook that will guide you a transformational Journaling process

Finally reprogram your mind and eliminate all your thoughts that cause you to doubt yourself and hold yourself back!

BUY NOW £9.99
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