You're a female business owner and you're ready to great extraordinary success, but...
You want to make a bigger impact and you know that means creating more clients. But the thought of being more visible and tooting your horn makes you feel like a big show off and totally out of your comfort zone.
You know that selling authentically is the way to go, but sales conversations make you feel sleazy, needy and pushy, so you avoid them at all costs.
Talking about money, your prices and your programmes feels wrong. Charging your clients makes you feel guilty. You know you've some money blocks to remove, but you just don't know how to do it.
Deep down, you know you lack confidence and the self-belief that's required to take your business to the next level. You just want to feel good enough, without all the overthinking and anxiety!
Before joining A Confident New You I had very low confidence and no self-belief. I didn't believe that I could make money doing something creative which I enjoyed.
I thought I didn't have enough experience or formal design qualifications.
Working with Helen made me realise how much rubbish I was telling myself.
In a short space of time, I've gone from I can't do that to launching my first online course, having my first 121 clients and I'm about to raise my prices.
Before joining A Confident New You I had very low confidence and no self-belief. I didn't believe that I could make money doing something creative which I enjoyed.
I thought I didn't have enough experience or formal design qualifications.
Working with Helen made me realise how much rubbish I was telling myself.
In a short space of time, I've gone from I can't do that to launching my first online course, having my first 121 clients and I'm about to raise my prices.

Helen Greenwood
Canva Trainer & Designer
Get clear on your big goal, without limits
Do you dream big, yet when it comes to taking action, you play small? You have a financial goal that you'd love to be making, but you just don't think it's possible so you make your goals smaller, more realistic?
It's this thinking that keeps you playing small. It's that voice in your head, your inner critic that sabotages your attempts to realise your full potential in life.
These thinking blocks are pesky mindset gremlins that hold you back.
That's why in this module we will be looking at what it is you actually want, how your impostor syndrome stops you and how you can start to dream big and realise what's possible for you.
In this module you'll learn:
How to see what's really possible for you
Understand how impostor syndrome minimises your goals
Getting clear on your currently reality
Identifying what needs to change
...and more
I was worried that people wouldn't be interested in what I had to say. I was scared that I'd make a fool of myself so I shied away from doing videos or any PR work.
My self-doubt stopped me massively and I missed out on so many opportunities.
A Confident New You was a game changer for me. I finally felt confident enough to take video in my stride and I've secured several national PR opportunities...
And, I've written a book! Pretty amazing right!
Claire Jones
Weight Loss Coach
Why you hold yourself back & what to do about it
The way you think, your beliefs and habits all contribute to self-sabotage, so rather than taking action, you avoid it.
This is where really start identifying what's getting in your way of success and stopping you from making the money you deserve and we focus identifying your self-sabotaging behaviours, beliefs and actions.
In this module you'll learn:
What self-sabotage is and how to spot it before it takes over
Identifying how simple changes to your beliefs will make a massive impact and generate the action and results you want
The 4 traps of self-doubt and how to avoid them
A transformational mindset tool that will eliminate your self-doubt, leaving you free to take action.
...and more
I was worried that people wouldn't be interested in what I had to say. I was scared that I'd make a fool of myself so I shied away from doing videos or any PR work.
My self-doubt stopped me massively and I missed out on so many opportunities.
A Confident New You was a game changer for me. I finally felt confident enough to take video in my stride and I've secured several national PR opportunities...
And, I've written a book! Pretty amazing right!
I was stuck in a stressful corporate role and I lacked the confidence to leave and start my own business.
My own self-belief and mindset gremlins were holding me back.
Helen helped me to re-train and understand my thinking via mindset coaching and confidence building.
I was finally able to move forwards, eventually quitting my role and starting up my own business and growing rapidly!
Gemma Dunn
Marketing & Comms Expert
What is it that actually stops you from taking action?
In this module we're gonna get totally clear on what it is that stops you from taking action and making your dream business a reality.
We go back to basics and use neuroscience to help us explain why you play small and hold yourself back. Expect a few ah-ha moments in this module, because you'll suddenly realise what's been getting in your way all these years.
In this module you'll learn:
The simple neuroscience that will help you understand why you doubt yourself and what you can do to stop
Simple exercises that you can implement at any stage of your business that will silence your inner critic.
How to manage your emotions so that low doubt, anxiety and worry don't derail your efforts
...and more
I didn't trust or value myself at all and kept playing small because I didn't think I'd be able to achieve any better.
I didn't feel worthy and I suffered a lot under my perfectionist tendencies. Nothing was every good enough no matter how much effort, care or time I put into it.
A Confident New You was the start of an ongoing journey, changing the way I talk to myself.
Now everything is different. I have absolute faith in myself and I'm dreaming bigger than ever before.
I'm still benefiting from this programme!
Roxy van der Post
Founder Myosotis Film & Photography
Learn how to stop always doubting yourself
If we don't know how to manage our emotions, self-doubt, impostor syndrome, procrastination and fear take over. Learning to understand your emotions for what they are enables you to take control rather than allowing these unhelpful feelings to take over.
In this module you will learn some life changing hacks that you can use no matter where you are in your business journey.
...and I don't use the words life changing lightly!
In this module you'll learn:
How to stop a mindset hijack in it's tracks so you can manage your self-doubt and anxiety in an instant
The quick mindset tool that will ensure you keep taking action and moving towards your goals
How to always take action, even when your motivation has disappeared and despite how you feel!
...and more
My confidence was at all time low and my anxiety was out of control.
I was terrified of increasing my prices and always panicked I wouldn't deliver a good enough product.
After the programme, I implemented a massive price increase, I become less worried about what people thought of me and recognised when my mind was causing me to self-sabotage.
It's just amazing!
Dawn Cogan
Beauty Expert
One of the most exciting modules!
This is where it gets really exciting. By now, you've done the ground work required in order to change the way you think. Now we're going to start making some massive changes, so it's time to kiss impostor syndrome goodbye.
In this module you'll learn:
Why your values play a massive part in your confidence, self-belief and your ability to create success.
How to silence your inner critic and transform it into your biggest cheerleader.
The most powerful motivating technique on earth, nothing's going to stop you building and extraordinary life and business.
...and more
I was struggling with my confidence and negative self-talk after leaving my corporate job to work full time on my business.
I was procrastinating and not taking action. I was hiding away.
Instead of building my profile, I was watching other people building the lives they wanted and I was frozen in fear.
Since the programme, I'm way more confident, I'm able to take action and it's made a massive difference to my business and personal life.
Laura Dean
Travel Expert
Overcome your fear of being visible
You know you need to be more visible, raise your profile and toot your own horn, but something stops you. T
hat voice in your head that tells you a million reasons why you're not good enough and why you can't do it.
And quite frankly you're sick of hiding and being the worlds best secret. It's time to build your confidence and become a visibility queen.
In this module you'll learn:
How you can be more visible, raise your profile and attract new clients without all of the self-doubt
To stop worrying about the opinions of others by removing your deepest fears, so you can show up and promote your business
To step out of your comfort zone, show up authentically you without all the worry, overthinking and procrastination.
...and more
I came to realised that I was playing too safe and sat firmly in my comfort zone, yet it felt anything but comfortable.
I knew I had more potential to do so much more, I just couldn't get out of my own way.
I'm now following my passion. Helen is an amazing coach and guide and I feel like I'm on fire.
I've completely changing my mindset and I'm doing things I never would have dreamed of previously.
Kathryn Simpson
Account Management
Removing your money and selling blocks
If you undercharge and you shy away from selling, then building a business will be incredibly difficult.
You work hard, you deliver value and you deserve to be fairly rewarded for that. In this module we identify what your blocks are around money and selling.
Because it's these blocks that are stopping you from creating the success and wealth that you deserve.
In this module you'll learn:
Totally heal your relationship with money, you can feel deserving of the money you make and charge your clients without feeling guilty.
How your self-image and self-esteem massively impacts the amount of money you make. You'll develop new thinking patterns that help you increase your self-worth.
Uncover your blocks around selling, transform your thinking so that you can sell authentically with ease and make the impact and money you deserve.
...and more
Before I started in a Confident New You, I struggled with life long lack of confidence and self-belief.
Yet this programme allowed me to see how my mind was working against me and it's the first time I've truely understood why I doubt myself.
This is a huge step forward.
I now feel more positive and do things that I've been putting off.
Helen's an exceptional coach, her enthusiasm and positivity is inspiring.
Lorraine Green
The most important ingredient in your success
How you feel and think about yourself determines how successful you are. There's just no getting away from it.
If you don't feel good enough, then you'll sabotage your success all day long, because you won't feel like you deserve to create an extraordinary live.
That's why in this final module, we get down to basics and look at how you truly feel about yourself. Then we set to work on transforming your self-belief.
Expect massive transformation in this module!
In this module you'll learn:
How you can learn to love yourself and show up as your most authentic self and embrace your quirks
Learn how to say no, so you can start putting yourself first. Watch your success sky rocket as you do
How to stop seeking external validation, start listening to your intuition so that building your business feels stress free.
...and more
🌟 8 modules broken down into 5-15 minute bitesize, easy to digest videos, all with an accompanying workbook. You’ll have lifetime access to all the material and access to any updates I make.
🌟 You’ll hit milestones throughout the programme and receive feedback on the most important tasks and things you learn. You won’t be left to your own devices as I will be on hand to keep you motivated and making progress.
🌟 Each fortnight we’ll meet on a group Zoom call, where you can get my help on anything you’re working on, are confused about or need some additional support.
🌟 During our 6-month partnership, you’ll be part of the Confident New You Facebook community, surrounded by other women in business all looking to build their confidence and self-belief.
🌟 It’s like having your own cheerleading squad, empowering and motivating you to take action in your business, so you can finally beat those mindset gremlins, get out of your own way and create success.

It’s all about mindset and I now know the real power of it! Confidence is not an overnight win but a mindful journey and after this course you will have the tools to get closer every day.
I can highly recommend this course to anyone (both for business and for personal growth)
Valentina Rebeschini

I have come to realise that I have been playing too safe and too small sat firmly in my comfort zone. It's called a 'comfort zone', but actually I've not been that comfortable, as I have known deep down that I have the potential to do so much more, I just needed get out of my own way, and now I have!
Kathryn Simpson
"I more than doubled my income from working with Helen, and even finally ended up working with my ultimate dream client, which was amazing.
Every penny I have invested in working with Helen has been worth it"
— Caroline Brock
You're expecting an overnight miracle!
The techniques you will learn are easy and simple to use, but it does require you to do the actual work consistently.
BUT, if you're ready to live life to the full, be happier and more successful, then this is just what you need!
I've worked with hundreds of women just like you who at first, felt helpless and stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and negative self-talk.
They never believed it possible, that they could create extraordinary success!
At first, they too were sceptical. When you lack confidence it’s hard to believe that a little bit of self-belief and the right support can transform your entire life and business!
But it’s true. Just ask one of the hundreds of women who are now experiencing unstoppable success in their business, simply because they decluttered their mindset gremlins, got control of their self-doubt and created unshakable confidence.
It’s possible for you. I’m going to show you how incredibly easy, (so long as you are prepared to do the work) it is to transform your entire life, your business and your income by arming you a confidence tool kit that you can use for life.
If you're committed to showing up and doing the work, then yes, it's possible for you!